Farma Boy & Farma Lady
Created: February 2019
Original Artist: Carl-Michael James
Revision Artist: Jah-Mina Caines
Note: The scientific name of marijuana is Cannabis sativa
Cannabis sativa, commonly referred to as corn throughout the Caribbean, has played a major, yet discrete role in Virgin Island society. According to UpperClass, this unique role of Cannabis merits recognition, hence the creation of our Farma Boy design.
Because the Virgin Islands are territories of the United States, the possession and cultivation of Cannabisis prohibited by law. However, citizens of all ages actively grow Cannabis in secret despite its legal status. The hidden cultivation of Cannabis sativa is especially evident on the island of St. Croix, where youths stand at the forefront of cultivation.
Many are unaware of how many citizens of the Virgin Islands actively participate in the illegal cultivation/usage of Cannabis sativa. Based on our knowledge and interactions with Cannabis cultivators, we are confident that the total number of growers must be truly astonishing. Considering its increasing regularity, it is not absurd to consider the cultivation of cannabis a part of Virgin Island culture.
Many factors contribute to the increasing prevalence of Cannabis cultivation in the Virgin Islands. For decades, the Virgin Islands has been poorly governed by venal individuals whose interests did not reside in the improvement of the whole. As a result, our economy has suffered greatly as employment opportunities are scarce while the cost of living is outrageous. With nowhere else to turn, many decided to grow Cannabis as an alternative to support themselves and their families. We suspect the illegal production and distribution of Cannabis feeds a significant percentage of families in the Virgin Islands.
The lenience of law enforcement in regard to Cannabis in general greatly contributes to its popularity throughout the Virgin Islands. The distinct aroma of Cannabis is virtually impossible to escape as so many inhabitants freely indulge without fear of prosecution. Advocates of Cannabis sativa have become bolder than ever due to efforts of a certain Virgin Island senator. Recent legislative enactments proposed by former Senator Terrence Positive Nelson, has enabled the formation of a Medical Cannabis industry in the Virgin Islands. This has catalyzed a change in the way Virgin Islanders view Cannabis and agriculture as a whole.
UpperClass is heavily influenced by agriculture due to our strong background in agricultural sciences. Notice the “24k” marking in the foliage of the corn. Karat (k) is a unit of measurement used to categorize gold based on purity. 24 karat gold is the purest form of gold available, and consequently, the most expensive. In this design, “24k” is meant to accentuate the value of agriculture.
Notice the words “Official Cataract Man”. Cataract is the name of an extremely popular strain of Cannabis in St. Croix. Its purpose in this design is to insinuate that the corn is symbolic for Cannabis. However, we support the cultivation of all crops.
The dual objective of the Farma Boy design is to expose a suppressed part of Virgin Island culture, and also show that farming is just as cool as it is liberating. Free up the corn.
Flames; Zuko & Azula
Created: August 2018
Original Artist: Carl-Michael James
Revision Artist: Khalil James
The Heat design is by far our most captivating creation yet as it seems to secure the attention of many different age groups. UpperClass believes the bewitching nature of this design stems from the indisputable philosophy from which it emanates.
The flame serves to visually demonstrate the concept of desire. According to UpperClass, desire is like a fire that requires some sort of fuel (energy) to maintain its life. An individual’s desire is nurtured by persistent acts of self-discipline in pursuit of one’s aspirations. Self-discipline functions as the backbone of desire. It is the outcome of an insane level of certainty in one’s desires. These two concepts, desire and self-discipline, are closely connected as one simply cannot exist without the other. Take a moment to reflect on what was just said.
An individual who exercises self-discipline always does so with a goal in mind. Whether it is a distant goal or one that is near, there is something that person hopes to achieve, hence the reason for their persistence. Same goes for a person with fixed aspirations. Individuals who are certain in their desires, invariably demonstrate self-discipline in order to attain that which they want. This is because self-discipline is an inexorable quality of one who is certain of their desires. With certainty, follows resolve, and behind resolve, trails determination.
According to UpperClass, determination is the precursor of self-discipline. “I am certain, so I am determined. I am determined, so I am self-disciplined.”
Notice the piercing gaze of determination displayed in the eyes and mouth of the flame. It appears to be ready for anything. There are no evident signs of fear nor hesitation in its demeanor. This is because fear and hesitation are indications of uncertainty which stems from indecision. Hesitation is a detrimental effect of indecision that often causes one to falter in their executions, bringing about undesirable results. When one is sure of what they want, there is simply no room for such futile burdens. “Nurture your faith so that it is greater than your fear.”
Such unwavering conviction is unattainable as long as multiple plans are involved. One must take time to develop a single plan (Plan A) and stick to it no matter what. Making necessary improvements as time progresses, but never straying off course. Individuals with this mentality are commonly regarded as having a single-track mind. To a great extent, a single-track mind is highly beneficial as it often leads to achievement. However, it does come with its own set of disadvantages.
If you look closely, you’ll notice a stained water droplet falling from the left eye of the flame. This water droplet is actually a tear drop meant to represent the pain and disappoint that plague those who are unwilling to alter Plan A or adopt other plans as backups. Many will discourage you and advise you to reconsider your strategy. If you are the slightest bit uncertain, then you are destined to fall victim to the fears of another person. This is the perpetual challenge encountered by those who relentlessly execute Plan A. The journey is trying and filled with hardships, so expect difficulties.
Observe how the top and bottom rows of teeth are clenched tightly together. The flame almost appears to be smiling as if it is happy for some reason. This is because a deep sense of fulfillment comes from the unyielding commitment to a single plan. A type of satisfaction so rare that it’s noticeable in something as subtle as a grin. So even though the road is rocky, keep trotting forward. Your dreams are worth it.