Names of the Game
Names of the Game (NOG) refers to a vast collection of verbal designs that serve to stimulate human consciousness by tapping into the simplicity of real life. Every NOG is a simple, yet impactful phrase, that encourages us humans to live in alignment with the truths of nature. For it is only when one lives in synchronicity with the natural ways of life, can true peace and harmony ever be achieved. Each Name of The Game is like a token of wisdom that has the dynamic power to ignite positive change. There are many NOGs and each one carries a unique vibration, so please take your time to select the ones that resonate with you. You have all day :)

Positive Reminder
cool out b. Just breathe in and take it one a’ta time. Once you are being your best, all you can do from there is trust the labor. In those moments when you need to catch yoself, just remind your heart that everything is safe. And if you’re wondering why, remember to ask yourself, why not?
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